外国人眼中的“中国白”|考古眼光中的“中国白” (三)——何翠媚

小陶陶 2021-09-13 08:37:46   德化陶瓷文化研究院、陶瓷办1132
文章摘要:考古眼光中的“中国白” (三)——何翠媚(翻译:孙延燕)


由柯玫瑰(Rose Kerr)、约翰•盖尔(John Ayers)所著《中国白——德化白瓷》(Blanc de Chine—porcelain from Dehua)于2002年经新加坡亚洲文明博物馆出版,是继唐纳利《中国白——福建德化瓷》之后的一本专门研究德化白瓷的专著,影响甚为深远。

该书收录的都为国外研究德化白瓷的知名学者所撰写德化白瓷研究资料。包括柯玫瑰的“德化器物款识介绍”,海蒂(Heidi Tan)的“鉴赏家探访”,约翰•盖尔的“中国白的影响”,何翠媚(Chuimei Ho)的“考古眼光中的中国白”,郭勒逊(Kenson Kwok)的“德化雕塑结构的一点看法”, 埃娃•施特勒伯(Eva Strober)的“德累斯顿的斯特朗大帝收藏的德化瓷”,以及附录介绍等七个部分,从不同角度介绍了德化白瓷。与此同时,该书收录的160件德化窑精品,为Hickley家藏,后捐赠给新加坡亚洲文明博物馆,是了解、品鉴、研究德化白瓷不可多得的艺术精品。


Blanc de Chine in archaeological perspective: a tribute to Donnelly by Chuimei Ho

考古眼光中的“中国白” (三)——何翠媚



Donnelly dates the earliest blanc de Chine ware to sometime in the beginning of the sixteenth century, an assumption which has not met any challenge. He also suggests that regular export of blanc de Chine only started around AD 1650.Recent archaeological data does not dispute this view. What is important is that through the study of blanc de Chine ware, one can say that the ware took 150 years to mature from an experimental ware -White Ware I-and another 150 years to become marketable in Europe as blanc de Chine ware.



Why it took the Dehua potters so long to expand their market is beyond the scope of this paper. Neither do we have the space to discuss the type of domestic clientele for blanc de Chine wares. The few datable pieces prior to 1650 must have been in Chinese hands at one time, even though the their original owners may never be known.


On the whole, not too many pieces of seventeenth-century blanc de Chine have been found in European holdings. Dutch East Indies Company trading ships such as the Oosterland carried limited quantities of blanc de Chine. In 1697 when the Oosterland went down in Table Bay near Cape Town, it carried a Guanyin figure, a cup and a small bowl as well as a pair of incense stick holders in the shape of lions-the type made at Lingdou. Even though final reports on the cargo are still to be published, underwa ter archaeologists are convinced that the few Asian ceramics did not represent the regular cargo. Instead, the Asian ceramics on board were probably smuggled by the crew, since the last few years of the seventeenth century were not a good time for the Company's ceramic trade.


The Dutch were not alone in bringing blanc de Chine to the Europeans. The Spanish, through their regular Manila-Acapulco sea route, brought blanc de Chine cups to Mexico City: Fragments of an elegant cup with applique plum flowers were recovered from Spanish colonial stratum of Templo Mayor, dated to the late seventeenth century. An intact example with added Mexican silver mount and cover speaks for appreciation of blanc de Chine held by Mexicans. By and large, seventeenth-century blanc de Chine pieces are rare in Europe and the Americas.


There is a strong possibility that Augustus the Strong was responsible for popularizing blanc de Chine among Europeans. The 400-piece collection in Dresden was started by the king in the early eighteenth century. No doubt it was the beauty and superb technology of blanc de Chine porcelain that intrigued the German elite and inspired them to buy. But why were duplicates bought in such bulk? The Dresden Inventory shows that, in addition to sets of tableware, in 1721 and 1722 the king bought 12 monkeys, 14 bottles, 18 dogs and 10 dolls. Even though price was an unlikely factor in the kings shopping, it remains a possibility that blanc de Chine was good value compared with other contemporary Asian ceramics. We learn from the excellent records ofthe merchant Lazarus Duvaux that the taste for blanc de Chine had spread to France during the mid-eighteenth century. In 1748, Frenchmen were willing to pay 7 pounds 16 shillings sterling for a pair of blanc de Chine lions. However, a similar pair of lions in mottled blue-and-white glaze from Jingdezhen cost 60 pounds. Apparently Dehua potters priced their products competitively.





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